
Here's a Mickey Mouse tutu set

Buggy's 4th Birthday Photo shoot

Buggy's 4th Birthday Photo shoot
Bug's in her birthday tutu set her mommy(me) made her!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bug's Funky TuTu

Buggy posing for her picture..silly little bug♥

Close up of her Big Neon Green Daisy

being silly as always

The front of the tutu, neon green, fuchsia, and hot pink Bug picked out the colors

Close up of the daisy on the front of the tutu

The back side of the Funky TuTu

Friday, April 29, 2011

A little more from today...

 A Big neon green daisy hair clip

 Butterfly hair clip
The butterfly up close w/o the rose under it

New Today....

 Big Bright green daisy on a hot Pink head band

Light pink & pale yellow rose on bright Pink head band

Big Black Daisy on another Pink head band

Welcome to Buggy's Boutique & TuTu's

So this is the first time I have tried the whole Blog thing. Keep an eye out here for new and upcoming products, when I first started off I was only going to make tutu's but somewhere along the way I realized that I can also sell the cute Big flower head bands and hair clips that I make for my 4 year old, Ella Bug, and for a lot cheaper than the 1st two that I bought for her.I also make the big boutique birthday hats for a lot cheaper than I was paying so I started making them to sell, I am currently fooling around with Tulle wreaths, I saw one at a dear friends house in her little girls room, I haven't exactly got that one down to a science yet but I'm not giving up until I do! LOL